Announcing CONVA Omni  — Generative AI Augmented Multilingual Omni Search Assistant for e-commerce apps

A next generational search and discovery experience for shoppers that can be added on top of any e-commerce app

Search historically has been a very transactional activity. Esp inside e-commerce apps. Users typically begin their journey with a specific product or brand or a combination of them and the results show up in a vertical list. But the way users search these days are not keyword driven.

Over 50% of all web searches are questions looking for answers rather than keywords

And the need for search does not stop just at the search bar. Customers are looking for answers at every point in their purchase journey. But the way customers are expected to search is only via a "search bar", which is usually present only for catalog look up.

No wonder there are major drop offs that happen during the purchase journey

Only 1 in 20 app sessions result in a sale


The way to solve this it to think of search not in its conventional means. Not as something that is limited to a search bar and certainly not one that just does keyword based search. What e-commerce apps need is the ability to be able to allow search both inside and out the search bar.

Introducing CONVA Omni

Our newest product, CONVA Omni makes search an Omni-present experience. Its available as an Assistant that can be invoked on all screens, and appears as an overlay and responds to voice and text inputs, and understands things contextually and allows users to ask any question related to the app or the products it offers.

Capabilities of the Omni Assistant

  1. Is always available right through the buy journey of the shopper

                   * Sits as an transient overlay on top of the app and blends naturally with the app

  1. Semantic Search layer on top of existing search experience, which enables a wide range of interesting capabilities

                   * Answers broad transactional queries and converts them to keywords that can be searched inside apps.

                  * Conversational queries that can be further filtered with context

                   * Smart product recommendations based on items that you searched

                   * Auto suggestion of filters based on context

  1. Being able to answer any product related query when looking at the product.

                  * Can be optionally grounded to information that the app wants to be offers to its users

                  * Or can be answered by the best globally trained LLM knowledge

  1. Answer any FAQ questions related to the company
  2. Is Multilingual, even if the app itself is not, allowing the user to do their search in their own language
  3. Can be integrated into the traditional search experience

And being able to do this on top of existing e-commerce apps, without requiring much effort to integrate this experience.

CONVA Omni will pioneer never before seen experiences in e-commerce apps at a global scale.

How do I try it?

We are currently looking for customers who are interested to bring this experience into their apps, and wiling to work with us in making this experience better and more importantly bring it quickly to the hands of end-users.

If this sounds exciting, please do sign up here