Slang In-App Voice Assistant is 46% More Accurate Than Google Voice Search.

Slang CONVA v/s Google Voice Search

We're frequently asked by our customers, "How does Slang Retail Assistant compare to Google Voice Search?" We ran a comparative analysis where we directly compared their performances against one another.

Download this benchmarking report to know all the details related to the study we conducted.

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Report Summary

Slang Retail Voice Assistant Is

Google Voice Search was outperformed by Slang In-App Voice Assistant by 46%

46% Better Voice Search Overall

Slang In-App Voice Assistant outperformed Google Voice Search by 46%

The overall search quality of the Slang In-App Voice Assistant is 45.9% better.

45.9% Better for Search Quality

Slang In-App Voice Assistant's Search Quality is 45.9% better overall.

The Slang In-App Voice Assistant performs 11.69% better at speech recognition.

11.69% Better at Speech Recognition

Slang In-App Voice Assistant is 11.69% better at Speech Recognition.

The Data

Spectrum of Data Crowd Sourced

The experiment involved crowdsourcing 3000 Voice Commands spoken in multiple accents and dialects.

3000 Audio Samples

To run this experiment, 3000 Voice Commands spoken in multiple accents and dialects were crowd sourced.

Crowdsourced audio samples were collected from 10 states across India.

Sourced From Over 10 States

The audio samples collected have been crowd sourced from multiple states from various corners of India.

A crowdsourced audio sample speaks the names of 100+ commonly searched retail products.

100+ Retail Items Covered

The audio samples crowd sourced speak the names of 100+ commonly searched retail products.

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